Wrought iron is beloved by homeowners as the material lends itself to being ornamental. The style of your wrought iron fence can be as modern or classical as you like. Knowing how our team installs wrought iron fences helps you understand the steps we take to ensure the durability of your and gates.
Some neighborhoods will have building codes that regulate the type, placement, and height of fencing. This is especially true if you live in an HOA. A little research and planning before your project saves huge headaches and wasted money later.
The next step is to decide where your new fence will go, how tall it will be, and what style you prefer. This is a good time to call to have underground utility lines flagged so you know your post holes will not be in the wrong place.
In addition to the wrought iron posts, panels, and gates you will need some supplies to install a wrought iron fence. These materials include: fasteners, post hole diggers, shovels, a level, tape measure, stakes, string, screwdrivers, wheelbarrow, gravel, and fast setting concrete.
Set stakes to help ensure you’ve got the right dimensions and angles for your new fence. Drive the stakes at the corners and where it changes direction. At each of these stakes wrap and tightly stretch your string to show where the fence will sit.
Dig post holes at corners, on both sides of fence panels, and ending points. Most post holes should be about 2 feet deep and 6 inches in width. Before adding your quick set concrete fill the bottom of your post holes with about 2 inches of gravel. With all of your post holes dug mix your concrete in your wheelbarrow. Don’t make your concrete too wet as it needs to help keep your posts standing straight in the holes.
First put the post in the post hole. Next add the concrete to the hole. Stop pouring your concrete when it’s about 4 inches from the top of the hole. This is done for all of the posts and then a worker uses a level to ensure the posts are straight and set in line with the rest of the fencing. Once the posts are straight and the concrete is holding them up the top 4 inches in the hole is filled loosely with dirt. Wait about a week for the concrete to set before moving on to installing your wrought iron panels.
Wrought iron fencing consists of the posts you’ve already installed and panels that fit into them. The panels are attached to the posts using screws or bolts. Line up the panel brackets with the posts and attach the top bracket, then the bottom bracket. Do this for all of the fence panels.
The last step in installing your wrought iron fence is to hang your wrought iron gate. Most times this will be a gate made for pedestrians to walk through. If it is a driveway gate you’ll likely need to have the help of professional installers to help get it installed correctly. This is especially true if you’re installing an automated gate with a motor.